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When Jane entered the art world, her work quickly caught the national attention of art critics and enthusiasts. Her work is now included in private, corporate, and museum collections.


In 2002, The American Watercolor Society chose Jane’s work for its 135th Annual International Exhibition and Traveling Show.  In the same year, she was featured in the Spring 2002 issue of Watercolor Magazine.


In 2003 alone, Jane earned signature membership in three National Watercolor Associations:

the National Watercolor Society,  Watercolor West, and the California Watercolor Society. 


In 2007, her painting won “Best of Show” in the Triton Museum of Art Biennial Statewide Competition.


In 2017, the "American Watercolor Society" celebrated their 150th anniversary. Jane was honored at the celebration by being awarded signature membership in this historic organization.


Each year since 1867, the "American Watercolor Society" has hosted a juried exhibition of watercolors by artist members of the organization. The organization boasts such past members as Winslow Homer, Childe Hassam,  John LaFarge and Andrew Wyeth.





Experimenting with various mediums, transparent watercolor became Jane’s medium of choice. As she has expressed, “The various qualities of transparent watercolor provide me with ideal tools to develop my visual ideas.  Perhaps, the most important part, is layering washes of unmixed color.  With this glazing process, I am able to achieve rich and velvety surfaces, appealing soft edges; and colorful darks.”


Jane’s body of work include various subjects and genres, including figures, landscapes, city and town scenes, and still lifes. “The human figure particularly captivates me; as I observe the inherent uniqueness of every subject; the mood, expression and posture.” Music is, notably, a common theme within her work.


For Jane, two of the most important elements in her paintings are a strong design, including the dynamic relationship between light and dark.  Concerned with the presence of a strong underlying abstract structure, Jane focuses upon the interaction of shapes within her work.


Jane has recently begun to work on canvas, still with water based media.  The beauty of her technique, is that while these paintings combine the fluid qualities of transparent watercolor, they share some of the characteristics of a traditional oil painting. They also lend themselves to various framing treatments without the need for glass.

Jane continues to foster her creativity and expand her body of work. “My subjects, process, technique and materials, are never stagnate. I believe that every artist, and his or her visual expression, is continuously evolving.”

© 2023  jane mccullough

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